Methods for Subscription data objects
Create, edit, get, or delete subscription metadata
These endpoints operate on the subscription metadata subresource.
PUT will add/replace specific fields in the JSON data. Other fields will be unaffected. POST will replace the entire metadata object.
List subscriptions
url: '',
method: 'GET'
"": "Austin",
"_md.shoe.size__gt": 10
"count": 22,
"next": "?page=1",
"prev": null,
"results": [{
"autorenew": true,
"billing": {...}, // Billing relation property
"billing_name": "Monthly",
"credit": null,
"customer": {...}, // Customer relation property
"end_date": "2015-10-15T20:00:24Z",
"id": 75562148,
"is_test": true,
"note": null,
"product_billing_id": 55065955,
"skipped_date": null,
"start_date": "2015-09-15T20:00:24Z",
"status": "active",
"store_id": 4848355,
"term": {...}, // Term relation property
"type": "subscription",
"url": "/v1/subscriptions/75562148"
Get subscription
url: '',
method: 'GET'
Update subscription
url: '',
method: 'PUT',
data: {
note: "A new note"
Cancel a subscription
url: '',
method: 'PUT',
data: {
"log_note": "A new note"
Reactivate a subscription
url: '',
method: 'PUT',
data: {
log_note: "A new note"
Skip a subscription's next renewal
url: '',
method: 'PUT',
data: {
skip: "true"
Unskip a subscription
url: '',
method: 'PUT',
data: {
unskip: "true"
Renew a subscription
Only works with past due subscriptions that failed to renew in the past 30 days.
url: '',
method: 'PUT',
data: {
log_note: "A new note"
Listing, adding, and removing subscription coupons
Subscription coupons are coupons that apply on a subscription's next renewal or a cancelled or expired subscription's reactivation. They can be added or even removed from a subscription, because they haven't yet been applied to an order. This makes them helpful for running reactivation campaigns. For more on subscription coupons, please refer to the Subscription Coupons subresource.
List coupons on a subscription
This will only list coupons that apply on the subscription's next renewal (i.e., can be modified).
"count": 1,
"next": null,
"prev": null,
"results": [
"code_used": "1234COUPON",
"coupon_id": 713852368,
"enabled": true,
"id": 723378616,
"num_renewals": 0,
"type": "subscription_coupon",
"url": "/v1/subscriptions/723378616/"
Add a coupon to a subscription
Here, you can apply a subscription coupon to a subscription that will apply on the next renewal. The only required parameter is coupon_id
url: '',
method: 'POST',
data: {
coupon_id: 34526674
"code_used": "1234COUPON",
"coupon_id": 756026933,
"enabled": true,
"id": 756027331,
"num_renewals": 0,
"type": "subscription_coupon",
"url": "/v1/subscriptions/756027331/"
// If the subscription already has the coupon applied
"errors": [
"Subscription already has the coupon."
// If the coupon is unable to be applied to the subscription. Could be because the coupon isn't enabled, or doesn't apply to the subscription product.
"errors": [
"Unable to add coupon."
// If the coupon ID doesn't match a coupon in your store
"errors": [
"Coupon not found"