Subscription data object specification for the Cratejoy Merchant API


Property Filter Edit Type Description
id INT Unique identifier
autorenew BOOLEAN
credit INTEGER
end_date DATETIME
is_test BOOLEAN
product_billing_id INTEGER
skipped_date DATETIME
start_date DATETIME
status STRING User friendly name of this customers subscription status active, pastdue, etc..
store_id INT
type STRING The type of the Element - in this case ```subscription```
url STRING Direct link to ```GET``` the full details of the customer

Relation Properties

customerCustomerThe customer of the subscriptionYes
billingProduct BillingA reference to the re-billing informationYes
termSubscription TermCycle information about the subscriptionYes
productSubscription ProductInformation about the subscription productNo
instanceinstanceInformation about the product instanceNo
subscription_gift_infoSubscription Gift InfoInformation about the gift recipient, if the subscription was purchased as a giftNo
addressAddressThe address associated with the subscriptionNo

For more on relationships between subscriptions, products, shipments, and orders, please check out this customer-subscription-order relationship map.

Additional Related Properties

see Working with Object Relationships

_mdShipment MetadataYes
logsSubscriptionLogsThe log messages associated with the Subscription.Yes
ordersOrderThe orders related to this subscription. Includes orders generated for each renewal.Yes
shipmentsShipmentThe shipments that fulfill this subscription.Yes
fulfillmentsFulfillmentThe fulfillments that map to this subscriptionYes
cart_productsCart ProductsYes

The above properties are references to another Cratejoy resource or another collection of Cratejoy resources. The properties can either be a url to fetch the related resources OR contain the resources themselves.

Other helpful resources: Subscription Coupons

Enum values

When filtering collections on some fields, you have to use the enum values used in the database. For the subscription object, these are the status enum values:

  1. Unpaid (Deprecated)
  2. Active
  3. Cancelled
  4. Suspended (Deprecated)
  5. Expired
  6. Past_due
  7. Pending_renewal (Temporary state while renewals run)
  8. Renewing (Temporary state while renewals run)
  9. Unpaid_order_failed (Deprecated)
  10. Transferred (Deprecated)