Page variables are available to the theme at run time to be referenced via Jinja.

For example a page variable named store with an attribute of name can be referenced like this:

{{ }}

Many variables (such as store) are available to every page. There are certain special variables that are only available on specific pages. These are outlined below.

Global Page Variables

These variables are accessible from every page on your storefront.

Variable NameTypeNote
slugStringFirst part of the path for current page (so "index" for index, "subscribe" for "/subscribe/", "customer" for "/customer/thank_you")
pathStringThe full path of the current request minus the slug and minus any GET arguments and the domain. The path for "" is "thank_you"
storeStoreThe current storefront's Store object.
guestBooleanTrue if the visitor is anonymous, False if logged in.
customerCustomerOnly present when the customer is logged in (guest is False).
custom_domainStringThe custom domain set up for your storefront (such as "").
cratejoy_domainStringThe cratejoy subdomain for your storefront (such as
test_modeBooleanTrue if the store is in test mode, False otherwise.
settingsObjectThe theme settings for the current installed theme.
argsdictAny arguments that were specified on this request via the query string (such as ?product_id=2323).

Subscribe Page Variables

Certain pages of your storefront automatically have additional special variables made available to them.


Found in html/subscribe.html

The subscribe page has a unique function called the "Subscribe flow" which must be understood to customize your store's subscription signup process. You can read about this on the Subscribe Flow documentation.


steps is an array of tuples which serves to tell the subscribe page where in the signup process the user currently is.

If the user has not yet chosen a product they will be at the url In this example all variants available on all products are listed as potential steps, because no product has been chosen.

steps contains:

    ('product', None),
    ('variant', VariantType1),
    ('variant', VariantType2),
    ('term', None)

If the user has already chosen a product (or if your store only has a single product and the product is auto-chosen) and there are variants on that product they will be at a url like There will be no product step (because it's chosen already, and the variant steps will only be the variants for that particular product.

    ('variant', VariantType1),
    ('term', None)

If the order is a gift order the variant steps are omitted as the recipient chooses the variants on a gift order


cur_step is an integer that represents the customer's progress through the Subscribe Flow. When no product has been chosen it is 0, after a product is chosen it is 1, when the first variant is specified it is 2, etc.


product is a Product object which is present if the user has already chosen a product at this stage in the subscribe flow. If they have not chosen a product yet product will be None.


instance is a ProductInstance object that is only present if the user has fully chosen the Product and all of it's variants. Typically this is only available on the term stage, but it may also be present on the survey stage if used.


chosen_values is a list of VariantValue objects that have been chosen by the user. These are appended to the url as per the Subscribe Flow documentation.


possible_values is a list of VariantValue objects that apply to the next unspecified variant, ie unspecified_variants[0]. This list is the set of options a user must choose from when specifying the next variant.


unspecified_variants is a list of VariantType objects that are on the current chosen product but have not had their value chosen by the user (and inserted into chosen_values). unspecified_variants[0] represents the next variant to be chosen by the user.


stage is a String that indicates the current stage in the Subscribe Flow.

It's possible values are:

  • product - The user has not chosen a product
  • variants - The user has chosen a product but the product has at least one unspecified_variants remaining
  • terms - The user has chosen a product and all variants are specified but there is more than one possible prepayment term for this subscription.
  • survey - If you have created a survey step the stage will be set to survey.


kvp is a dictionary of all arguments specified to the to the subscribe route as key/value pairs. This is used when parsing the subscribe url for the Subscribe Flow contains:

  • Chosen products
  • Chosen variant values
  • Specified metadata from a survey

If the customer is at the url:

Kvp will contain:

    96: 'Product1 Name',
    928: 'Variant1 Value',
    tshirtsize: 'Small'


`gift is a Boolean that is true if the subscribe flow is for a gift order (if the url is of the form False otherwise.

Thank You page

Found in: html/customer/thank_you.html


order is an Order object that represents the completed order after the customer has paid and checkout is complete

Order page

Customer Page Variables

Found in html/customer/order.html


order is an Order object that represents the completed order after the customer has paid and checkout is complete


Found in html/customer/login.html


result is a String that indicates any errors when attempting to log in this user. This is intended to be displayed to the user. Generally this means the user has typo'd their password.


Found in html/customer/login.html


result is a String that indicates any errors when attempting to log in this user. This is intended to be displayed to the user. Generally this means the user has typo'd their password.

Forgot Password

Found in html/customer/forgot_password.html


result is a String that indicates any errors when attempting to reset this user's password. This is intended to be displayed to the user.

Password Reset

Found in html/customer/password_reset.html


result is a String that indicates any errors when attempting to reset this user's password. This is intended to be displayed to the user.

Change Password

Found in html/customer/change_password.html


result is a String that indicates any errors when attempting to change this user's password. This is intended to be displayed to the user.

Edit Subscription

Found in html/customer/edit.html


sub is a Subscription object which represents the subscription currently being edited by the user. This is chosen based on the parameter in the url such as where 11923 is the subscription id.


next_renewal_date is a UTC timestamp in milliseconds that indicates the next date the subscription is scheduled to renew (bill).

new_term (only after an edit)

new_term is a Term object which contains the new term as chosen by the user after successfully editing a subscription. This is only present after a successful POST to the /customer/edit/subscription route.

Shop Page Variables

Product page

Found in: html/shop/product.html


product is a Product object that is specified by the url parameter, for example will cause Product id 1193 to be loaded.

Listing page

Found in html/shop/listing.html


category is a String which specifies the tag to to filter by. By default this value is "all".

For the url the category will be "all"

For the url the category will be "dogs"


products is a list of Product objects filtered by any specified category. Only products which are tagged with the category will be included in this list.


tags is a list of all tags as an Object across all products;

For example a tags list for a store with two tags on it's products would look like:

        'name': 'For Dogs',
        'slug': 'dogs'
        'name': 'For Cats',
        'slug': 'cats'


sort is a String that specifies the sort order for the listing. It should either be "low" or "high". If not specified the sort order used is "high". This is specified as a query string argument, for example:


page is an integer that is the current page number for pagination. By default it will be 1. It can be specified on the url: