As of April 2017, Cratejoy stores on Gifting 3.0 may see more information associated with a gift recipient! Check out the standard Cratejoy help center for more information.

This information about the gift recipient for a given subscription ID can be found as an associated resource to a subscription object if the subscription was marked as a gift at purchase.

Subscription Gift Info

subscription_gift_info contains information about the gift recipient, as entered on the checkout page by the gift sender.

Field NameTypeDescription
idintUnique ID for the subscription gift info.
gift_messagestringThe gift message, if the gift-semder has left a message.
gift_recipient_emailstringThe gift recipient's email address, as entered by the gift-sender
gift_recipient_namestringThe gift recipient's name, as entered by the gift-sender.

Gift Sender Info

gift_sender is available as an associated resource on subscription_gift_info, and contains information about the gift-sender.

Field NameTypeDescription
idintThe customer ID for the gift-sender.
emailstringThe email address for the gift-sender.