Adding tracking to a shipment

This snippet uses the /shipments/ PUT endpoint to add a tracking number to a shipment (and send a notification email to the customer).

    url: '',
    method: 'PUT',
    data: {
        shipped_at: "2015-09-01 12:30:00Z",
        adjusted_ordered_at: "2015-08-25 00:00:00Z",
        tracking_number: "D2FA3GA57H0NDSF9FAE8G6AR3H4AT",
        status: "shipped",
      	carrier_name: "USPS", // Optional
        tracking_link: "https:\\\go\TrackConfirmAction.action?tLabels=D2FA3GA57H0NDSF9FAE8G6AR3H4AT" // Optional


  • On Line 7, with tracking_number: , we're adding a tracking number.
  • On Line 8, with status: "shipped" , we're changing the status of shipment to shipped, which will trigger the notification to the customer.

Shipment-level product feedback settings

In the Cratejoy interface, admins can set store-level product feedback settings. Setting shipment-level product feedback settings will override any store-level product feedback settings.

To set shipment-level settings, include X-Cratejoy-ProductFeedback-Enabled (true or false) and/or X-Cratejoy-ProductFeedback-Interval (the number of days after which the feedback survey should be sent) in the headers, like below.

    url: '',
    headers: {
        // Header should also contain authorization.
        'X-Cratejoy-ProductFeedback-Enabled': true,
        'X-Cratejoy-ProductFeedback-Interval': 15
    method: 'PUT',
    data: {
        shipped_at: "2015-09-01T12:30:00Z",
        adjusted_ordered_at: "2015-08-25 00:00:00Z",
        tracking_number: "1Z9999999999999999",
        status: "shipped"

The response will not include confirmation that the feedback survey and interval settings were set, but users can see scheduled product feedback surveys in the Analytics > Notifications page in the Cratejoy interface.

How shipment-level product feedback settings interact with store-level settings##

Shipment-level product feedback settings will always override store-level settings. In the absence of shipment-level settings, the default is store-level settings, like below.