With these URL endpoints, you can link a customer from anywhere on the web directly to a specific point in the subscription flow or a pre-filled cart.

Subscription Flow URLs

GET http://yoursite.com/subscribe/productId_Product+Name[/variantId_Variant+Name]

Links to a specific point in the new subscription flow.

This url includes the id of the subscription product you would like to link to. If you have multiple variants or terms for the product then you will also need to include those ids in the url. These ids can be found in the merchant dashboard.

If you have variants or multiple terms for your product but you do not include that information in the URL the customer will be prompted to select the unspecified variants or terms.

Example for a product with id 12345 and a variant id 789:




The easiest way to get the exact URL you are looking for is to simply go through your own subscribe flow on your store and copy the URL in the address bar for the point you want to link to.

One-time product cart URLs

GET http://yoursite.com/buy/prod1[+prod2+ … prodN]

Redirects a user to a preconfigured cart with the specified products with optionally specified quantities.

Each prodN should be of the form SKU~QTY where SKU is the SKU for the product variant found in the merchant dashboard. ~QTY is optional (defaults to 1) and should be an integer value. For example: http://yoursite.com/buy/SKU1234~1


SKUs must be unique

This method will fail if more than one product variant in your store matches one of SKU supplied to this endpoint.